
It Takes Two To Tango But One Is Enough To Polka (Dot)

Sorry for butchering English. Does it even make sense? But it seemed too blunt to just write "polka dots". Which is what this outfit is all about (cutsew, cardigan, headbow). I was desperately waiting for the weather to warm up again, so that I could put on the short-sleeved cardigan, microskirt and ballet flats. As much as I don't wanna, I think I'll let this skirt hibernate for now, and I'll stop buying microskirts, even if they're cute, because they're provocative and not winter-friendly.

Pokud se zde vyskytuje nějaký zapálený anglofil, tak se mu/jí taktéž omlouvám za prznění angličtiny, ale přišlo mi nudné napsat jen "puntíky". Což je evidentně hlavní téma dnešního modelu (tričko, kardigan, mašle ve vlasech). Netrpělivě jsem čekala, až se oteplí natolik, abych mohla vyvenčit svetřík s krátkými rukávy, mikrosukni a balerínky. A zamáčknu slzu a nechám sukni po zbytek zimy hibernovat, a přestanu si kupovat mikrosukně, ať jsou seberoztomilejší, protože jsou vyzývavé a je v nich zima.  

I liked my make-up, so I decided to work really hard on taking good portrait pictures. I took them with my closet as the background, with my pink wall as a background, with my bed as well, I took down my mirror and tried taking a picture of me in it, I stood on my head and turned the camera 360°, one degree at a time. I ended up with tens of pictures, only to realize I looked equally appalling in all of them. Talk about wasting time. Oh, and on Wednesday, I'll finally post something else than my outfits-  I made some clip-ons, so I'll take a bunch of pics to show you. It won't really be a tutorial, because they're really easy to make, but I still hope you'll find them inspiring. :)  

Líbil se mi můj make-up, tak jsem se rozhodla nafotit skutečně dobré portréty. Zkusila jsem použít jako pozadí svoje skříně, růžovou stěnu, postel, sundala jsem zrcadlo a zkusila se vyfotit v něm, postavila jsem se na hlavu a otáčela kameru o 360° postupně po jednom stupni. Skončila jsem s desítkami fotek a poznáním, že na všech vypadám stejně hrozně. Tomu se říká ztráta času. A ve středu konečně uvidíte i něco zajímavějšího, než moje kreace - vyrobila jsem nějaké klipsy, tak je vyfotím, abyste se mohli podívat. Nebude to vyloženě návod, protože jsou neuvěřitelně jednoduché, ale i tak doufám, že vás to třeba v něčem inspiruje. :)

Cutsew/tričko: second hand
Skirt/sukně: H&M (Angers)
Cardigan: Marks&Spencer
Coat/kabát: Tally Weijl
Belt/pásek: DIY
Headband/čelenka: Vietnamese shop/vietnamský obchod
Earrings/náušnice: Claire's
Laptop case/taška na laptop: Alza.cz
Flats/balerínky: La halle aux chaussures (Angers)

Yours truly


  1. Oooh I have that cardigan^^

    I like how you kept everything in black and white, I think it really lets the polka dots ~take the stage. Very cute! :)

    I find portraits always make me look like something that lives in the canalization of a radioactively contaminated city when I try take them inside the house... maybe it's the light (again)? For me, it works best when I go outside and let someone else take them, from a little further away.

    1. I know, I actually saw it in one of the "you might like as well" suggestions under one of your recent posts. What a funny coincidence! :)

      I totally died while reading your comment, even though I refuse to believe you'd ever look the way you describe, it was hilarious! You made my day. XD

      Well, I guess my lazy butt could find a tripod and take pictures outside, or start saving so that I can hire Asinx as a full-time personal photographer. :) But I fear it's not only the light, but also angles... My face is able to look like an alien from The Predator pretty often. >.>

  2. This is very good polka dot top, skirt and fantastic!!


  3. Lovely photos, and perfect attire. Your make up is perfect too.

  4. I love polka dots too the outfit is very cute *(:


  5. The polka dot on polka dot and the bag really work together!

    I'm looking forward to the post on clip on's because I love them myself :)
