
DIY: Clip-ons

Whenever I try to find some cute clip-ons, I feel as if I'm trying to buy mithril. Sometimes they can be found at Claire's or I Am. However, most of them look as if they were from the eighties, they happen to be cheap-looking giant loops, or they feature crappily painted penguins. So being lucky enough to have got several pairs of plain clip-ons at a crafts store, I proceeded to make my own. Oh, and no, I really don't want to have my ears pierced, since I get asked every single time I say I wear clip-ons.  

Kdykoliv si chci koupit hezké klipsy, připadám si, jako bych sháněla mithril. Někdy se dají najít v Claire's nebo I Am. Bohužel ale většinu času vypadají jako nějaký smutný pozůstatek osmdesátek, jsou to ohavné, lacině vypadající kruhy nebo vypadají jako špatně vymodelovaní tučňáci. Tedy jelikož jsem měla štěstí a narazila na obyčejné klipsy v kutilském obchodě, jala jsem se vyrobit si vlastní. A ne, skutečně si nechci nechat píchnout uši, jak se mě neustále všichni ptají.  

 I don't own that many mint pieces of clothing, but I think these could look cute with basically any pastel outfit.

Sice nevlastním tolik mátově zelených kusů oblečení, ale myslím, že by mohly vypadat dobře k čemukoliv pastelovému.

I know they might look slightly childish, but I still like them, I think it's nice to have a pop of bright color near the face. Plus hearts are always cute.

Vím, že možná vypadají trochu infantilně, ale líbí se mi. Připadá mi, že není od věci mít u obličeje trochu zářivé barvy. A srdíčka jsou roztomilá. 

Securing the bow: simply turn the eye pin around the middle of the bow - start in the back, go around the front and then around the back again. That way, you'll have a double wire in the back, but only one thread in the front.

Zajištění mašličky: jenom omotejte mašli ketlovací jehlou - začněte zezadu, pak ji obtočte předme a nakonec zase zezadu. Takto budete mít vzadu dráty jakoby dva, ve předu ale jen jeden.

If you wonder what are those red discs, it's felt. These clip-ons are really painful to wear without some sort of padding. TT__TT

Pokud nevíte, co je to červené - jedná se o filc. Tyhle klipsy jsou dost nepříjemné na nošení, pokud nejsou něčím vypolstrované. 

Yours truly


  1. hi
    the first is the best earrings.
    Of course, the rest is nice, but my first love. :)

  2. I love that you use clip earrings, I have my hears pierced but I think that clip earrings are very interesting. I love the little happy apples ^^ I would totally use them!

  3. They are little angels, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh so D&G.
    love, love, love.

    1. Haha, I didn't even think about the DG show for fall while making them! It's awesome to be fashion-conscious subconsciously. XD
      Thank you!

  4. Ahahaha the Tolkien reference XD you're amazing, I hope you know that.

    Also, clip ons always hurt my ears :/ thrifts stores always have such pretty clip ons and I also saw amazing (and cheap!) ones at ebay but after a few minutes, my ears are usually twice as big and red as tomatoes.

    The last pair is so perfect for fall and the baroque trend and the other two are super cute, too ^-^ wonderful!

    1. Thank you! <3 Well, I think someone brought up reference to mithril in one of our recent conversations, I don't think I'd remember to use it otherwise, it's been like 10 years since I read the books... :/

      Too bad clip-ons don't work for you! My ears always hurt as well after 5 - 6 hours, sometimes more, sometimes less, depending on the construction of the clip ons. It sometimes helps if you change the shape with pliers a bit, or glue on some padding...
