
RSSA, Day 5 (7/5/2012)

Today was a bit special, because:
1) We didn’t have our lectures at the Faculty of medicine, but at the Institute of Technology (near our dorms).
2) We only had 2 workshops, not classical lectures, which was quite refreshing.
The first one was molecular biology workshop, which wasn’t that interesting for me, since we did plasmid DNA isolation, restriction enzyme digestion and an elfo. I even have to calculate length of the fragments after the digestion pretty often, so I didn’t really learn anything new, I’m keeping the protocol we used for comparison with our current one though.
During lunch, we met the phenomenon of local baguettes. It was actually really unforgettable, even though they were almost as tasteless as the pasta the other day. Thank god we got a peach and chips as well.
In the afternoon, we had a microbiology workshop. It was a lot more interesting for me, because I haven’t taken microbiology classes yet. However, there was approximately half an hour when I was really tired and I started to fall asleep. That wouldn’t be neither that unusual nor that horrible, but I started having really weird half dreams. For example, the curve of the graph in the presentation became a snake. Or I dreamed that I was looking at the presentation on my laptop and I wanted to turn it off, so I reached forward (to click on the mouse) only to realize I’m waving my hands in the air. 

In the evening, we were supposed to go kayaking. I ended up looking from the shore and chatting with other girls who decided not to join for obvious girly reasons. Then we went for a dinner and some drinks. Seriously, the local buses are crazy. They happily come only once in an hour, miss certain stops and so on. We got some tortillas and chips and we wolfed them down within milliseconds. It started raining like crazy too, so we waited until it stopped and then went to an Irish bar (as you see, I’m really taking advantage of being in France) and got a couple of Belgian beers (I told ya).
We went home pretty early, because tomorrow, we’re going on the long awaited trip to Paris.  

Yours truly

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