
Outfit: Yellow Flowers by Hangang River

I am really sorry for the break - during that time, I moved from Korea to Sweden and from Sweden to Czech Republic. I finished most of my thesis, popular science article and poster, I've been working hard on securing something productive to do after graduation, working on our start-up, and babysitting our 3 days old puppies. Oh, and I had my laptop fixed, finally!

So here I am, back to blogging, at least until my journey to the Philippines in a week.

During the last month, I was wearing this white skirt almost non stop. I remember perfectly the moment I bought it. I was on a research summer school in Angers, France, and there were big July sales everywhere. This skirt was on the sales rack in my size and cost 15 Euros. The flattering pleated shape and beautiful lace made it one of my favorite pieces of clothing despite my gradual decision to never shop at H&M ever again (particularly after having seen the documentary about Norwegian bloggers being shipped to Cambodia to see how these clothes are made). However, being almost 25 and knowing I will leave the miniskirt-friendly part of Asia for quite some time, I decided my 35 cm skirts will have to leave my closet one by one. So I decided to wear this particular one as often as I could in the remaining month before leaving it in a charity store.

Skirt: H&M, Angers
Blouse: off brand, Vin Prime second hand, Seoul
Backpack: Off brand, Edae, Seoul


  1. Clever and beautiful Vita, so glad to know of your travels and see you so pretty.

  2. You look so beautiful! I love your outfit!
