

You might be wondering how the hell did I end up in Lisbon when I'm doing my MSc thesis in Seoul - believe it or not, Gerald, Kent and me ended up becoming one of the 10 Thought For Food Challenge 2015 finalist teams! Hence Syngenta sponsored our trip to the finals, which took place in Lisbon. Naturally, we had only 1.5 days left for sightseeing since we had to work non-stop on our pitch for the rest of the week, but we tried to make the most of it anyways. If you're interested in reading more about
Feeding 9 Billion People by 2050 

and about the amazing success our team had, then please proceed to our

Also, sometime later, I will upload an article about the event - aren't you curious about an event where in vitro meat, color-changing flowers and start-ups are taken dead seriously?

For the time being, please enjoy the picturesque city of Lisbon with its gorgeous tiles, cool street art and amazing architecture.

Foggy Lisbon = the most beautiful Lisbon. Also, my first time seeing fog that originated from the sea! #NoSeaInMyCountry

Lisbon trams win over those in Prague in terms of cuteness for sure.

Apparently, Lisbon is Kent's second home, so he knows an amazing bar where you can only get through a really shady parking lot. The view is totally worth the creeps though!

Words of wisdom:

Yours truly


  1. oh mais tu es une grande voyageuse!!!! quelle chance!!! j'avais adoré lisbonne! magnifiques photos
    profite bien

  2. Oh very cute and beautiful pics sweetie


  3. Yessss, my congratulations to both of you for getting in the finals- definitely mus be a really great and rewarding experience! Please, write a blog post about your experience in this event, I would love to hear more!


  4. Wow, that video is really cool... And it's also fun so see all the states in the ending titles.
    Also it seems you picked out the most interesting places in Lisbon! I'd love to go there once...

    1. Thank you! Next year it's supposed to be held outside of Europe, so it will be really exciting too. :)

  5. Yay congrats! And about Lisbon, please tell me you tried the pasteis de belem (egg tarts)! They were my the highlight of my trip to Lisbon two years ago! Yum!

  6. Very lovely photos Vita :) Glad to read you are still on adventures!

  7. Love your pics. Lisbon is awesome place :)

  8. Oh I have been so late on my replies!!! I am so glad you liked Lisbon! I wish we could have meet but hey, I am sure you'll be back here our maybe we'll find ouserlves some other time in some other place (: I have that same photo of the old man's graffitti (: I think you captured Lisbon so well!
