
Bye Bye Dublin

All bad good things come to an end and so did my semester in Dublin. In short, I liked the life there - walkable distances, cheap food when one knew where to look and beautiful Irish nature. The rain - well, you get used to it, and it's not as bad as the rumours say. Girls are usually super dressed up, on trend and very very sexy. Think low necklines AND short skirt AND high heels AND bold make-up (yes, people, not Eastern Europe, Ireland is the epicenter of suggestive women). I didn't think young Irish people were particularly friendly (our friends were all immigrants or older), and I heard some pretty mean comments about my clothes when the Irish students thought I couldn't hear them.
I wasn't that thrilled about the school, because I don't think it's right that no matter how hard you work, you won't get above 85%, and there's absolutely zero feedback - basically even if you complain about your grade or ask for explanations, there are none. How can you improve? How can you understand what did you do wrong? While the topics we did were quite interesting and it was a good experience, I feel quite bitter about some major organizational shortcomings and lack of explanations (come on, we move to a different university more often than twice a year, we really can't know everything unless somebody tells us). It's a pity because otherwise it could have been almost perfect. So sorry, DIT - you score 60/100 for education. On the other hand, the lady who was in charge of taking care of us in general was super nice, and there was also one chef who provided us, as the only person, with extremey valuable advice, though he had nothing to do with FIPDes. And lastly, the summer school profs did a great job too. So, some people did a 100% great job, too.

I'm already getting used to my life in a new location, which will be revealed next week. ;)


Yours truly


  1. Krááása! Nejvíc se mi líbí asi ten prosklený secesní (?) dům. Jednou bych chtěla Irsko a Dublin taky vidět na vlastní oči... :).
    Enjoy your Korean summer.

    1. Jo, to je St Stephen's Green obchoďák :) Počkej na levné letenky od Ryanair, pak se to celkem dá. :) A dík ;)

  2. It is so cool that you get to travel around in these European countries- all in all must be a really great experience! :)
    I am sad to hear that not everything went good in Dublin, therefore, I hope you will have a better experience in your secret location! :) Cannot wait to hear about it!


    1. Thank you! So far my new location is great, though slightly lonely. :)

  3. Mi se strašně líbí ty výlohy (hlavně ta s těmi balónkovými psy). :D A pak samozřejmě uličky s bary.. :P
    Jinak jsem zvědavá, kde jsi tedy teď. :)

    1. Ti psi jsou geniální! :) No, budeš koukat =D

  4. Can't wait to hear about your next location! I am glad you could find a nice view of Ireland! I wish I could go there one day (:

    1. I bet you will, it's not that far from Portugal :)
