
Youkai Exhibition, Tokyo Tower, Rikugien Gardens, Hongo-Dori Walk to Todai

Mitsui Memorial Museum is currently holding an exhibition about Japanese demons. After going there,I would discourage you form doing the same - everything is written only in Japanese, the entry fee is pretty high, and it's incredibly crowded. Also, the exhibition is very traditional - paintings, masks and sculptures displayed under glass windows, with tiny legends. I do understand this was not supposed to be a kids-friendly event, but I think they could have made it a bit more interactive and engaging, and the part about youkai in manga/anime could have had more than just Kitaro there (Pet Shop of Horrors has plenty Japanese demons, not to mention Natsume Yuujinchou). I mean, the artwork displayed was beautiful, but the exhibition itself was not very good.

Well, this was short, since photos were not allowed inside. We then walked around Ginza a took the subway to Zojoji temple.

The temple is right next to the famous Tokyo Tower.


Monday breakfast - mochi and apples.

That day I had free morning - I needed to come to the lab at 2 p.m., so I decided to go to Rikugien gardens, because they're only 2 stops from Todai.

Finally, I managed to find an open tea house! I ordered option 2 (and already forgot the pronunciation) and enjoyed the cold drink while observing the lake.

I decided to walk form the garden to school, and I found out there were plenty of temples and shrines on Hongo-dori - I didn't even take pictures of all of them.

Yours truly


  1. Ten park je nádherný! I v botanické v Praze se mi nejvíc líbí japonský park, působí na mě prostě pozitivně :) A tobě to moc sluší.

    1. Děkuju. :)

      Skoro bych řekla, že ten náš v botanické zahradě je zdobenější, než ty, co jsem zatím potkala v Japonsku - ale všechny se mi strašně líbí. ^^

  2. Whoa, those dolls by the temple are really decorated. Are they part of a ritual? And have you picked up a lot of Japanese (language-wise) on your trip?



    1. I'm not sure, there are many festivals during July and August, so it's possible that is the reason, but I have 0 knowledge about Buddhism, sorry. :/

      Yeah, I've picked up quite a lot of things, thanks to my lab mostly talking in Japanese and English being rarely spoken even in daily life. :)

  3. ooh the pictures on your Japan trip look amazing! and the temples and shrines look really peaceful. what a wonderful place to be in! :)

    Metallic Paws

    1. Thank you! Yeah, I really love discovering all the hidden temples, where the only other living creatures except for me are cicadas.

  4. To jsou tak překrásné fotky, že bych nejradši sbalila kufr a vydala se za tebou ;-).

    1. Ani se nedivím, já jsem štěstím bez sebe, že jsem tam mohla být. :)

  5. Japan is such a pretty place (: Some of the statues in the first photos do seem a little bit creepy:P
