A little
note for my native English-speaking readers - this might be a little boring,
unless you want to learn what kind of trial do the ESL speakers have to go
through to prove they can survive in an English-speaking country for a longer
period of time.
For you,
fellow sufferers, here are my impressions about the “journey to the test day”,
the test day debrief, and some other info.
OK, I’ll
presume you already know what the TOEFL is - an ugly invention for harnessing
money by ETS and torturing students - a test required by 90% colleges out there
if you want to study in English.
When can I take the TOEFL without preparing too much?
1) If you
can read in English on pretty much the same level as in your mother tongue.
Newspapers, mags, college textbooks.
2) If you
can follow a college lecture in English, write down notes and use them
effectively. And if you have no problem with different native speakers’
3) If you
can talk fluently about pretty much any topic and can react quickly.
4) If you
have no trouble writing essays and making up arguments to support pretty much
any point of view.
When I have to prepare for the TOEFL?
If you do
not meet the above mentioned criteria and still want to go to college that
requires 100 or more points in the TOEFL iBT.
What I
guess is kind of important, TOEFL doesn’t test solely your knowledge of English
as a foreign language. It tests your ability to study college in English and
also your general test-taking abilities. I guarantee that the speaking section
format is something that never ever happens IRL (because you always speak about
a more or less familiar topic from your field and you’re not limited to half a
minute to prepare and one minute to talk). Something you need to be able to do
for both the speaking and writing is decide within a second what you’re gonna
say. Then the second you decide, you need to find 2 - 3 supporting arguments
for whatever you picked. You can’t guess in advance what topic you’ll get, so
you need to be prepared to convincingly support absolutely anything. Sometimes
it means choosing the point of view that is easier to support, not the one you
actually believe in.
There are no questions about grammar only -
something you might experience on the CAE. Instead, the knowledge of grammar is
tested in an integrated way - knowing which word is related to a pronoun,
speaking without flaws (I recommend you to stay away from “me likes this” XD)
and writing like a cultured person. Preparing for the test
I think I
can safely spill out this much information - TOEFL is all about college. So all
the texts/listening exercises you’ll deal with are about either college level
lectures or campus life. It certainly helps to have a broader knowledge than
just your major, because if you’re a law student and you get some intense
geology, or a chemist and you have to deal with PR, it might be slightly
overwhelming. However, the exam certainly doesn’t expect you to be a specialist
in the field and they won’t ask anything that hasn’t been said. I have to say
though that some of the questions in the geology part in my Barron’s book were
awful. Anyway, if you’ve ever followed a lecture taught in English and managed
to write down readable notes you should be OK. I suggest you watch BBC
documentaries and university lectures, MIT has a bunch on their website and
Yale is even on youtube. If you wanna be serious, you can make notes while
watching and then create a list of TOEFL-ish questions to answer. Or you can
just watch them while working out as I did.
I swear I’m
not paid by textbook publishing companies, but people, you seriously need to
get a TOEFL book OR do a lot of googling. You don’t have to feed the ETS center
- I got all three of my books much cheaper on eBay. Libraries might be also an
option, but the demand is likely to be much higher than the number of books
The first chapter
is gonna explain the TOEFL, which is awesome, because knowing what the
heck is this thing made me a lot less scared. In Czech Republic,
no one’s ever heard of the test! I was asking my uni teachers, high school
teachers, expats; you name them, I asked them. I could clearly see ? ? ?
swirling around their heads. So especially if you spent your entire life
preparing for the FCE/CAE/CPE system, you better do a lot of research on how
the exam looks like.
Then it
contains a totally crazy part. You’ll get a half a year syllabus suggestion.
I’m not sure whom are they making it for because I think that an average
student can study a lot more than 5 hours a week without passing out (and
therefore finish the syllabus in a month), but it might be just that Czech
semesters are pretty work-free and you only have to study really seriously at
the end of the semester, so you have plenty of time to prepare for the TOEFL.
But if you need tips on how to eat, exercise, sleep, get rid of stress, breath
and walk... you probably shouldn’t take TOEFL. Actually, you probably shouldn’t
even think about applying for a college. The point is you’ll get tips on how to
live your life during the weeks before the exam, maybe in case you just left
Matrix and saw the real world for the first time. It’s super weird! It’s like,
a cliché American thing - handbooks on how to do the most basic activities.
Anyway, fortunately these horribly plain tips don’t take too long.
The second chapter
is gonna be a “what’s your level now test”.
I totally
understand if you furiously toss your TOEFL preparatory book in the darkest
corner and consider burning it page by page after finishing the pretests/mock
tests. But it is really important to check the answers ASAP. First, you still
pretty much remember what the exercises were about, and therefore you don’t
have to go back and forth all the time between the test and the answer sheet
(the answer sheet explains why is the correct answer correct and why is your
answer wrong). Second, you might still remember that you were deciding between
two answers, or marked one answer as the correct one, and changed your mind
later. Of course, you can’t add half points to your score because you almost
got the right answer, but it’s good to know that your instinct works.
you can only grade objectively your reading and listening parts. I suggest you
get a teacher to check your essays and listen to your speaking (consider the
option to give him/her recordings instead of live sessions, because it will be
a recording at the TOEFL anyway). Explain he/she should attempt to grade you in
a TOEFL way (you can download a grading guideline from the TOEFL website and
send it to him/her). If you can’t get a teacher to do it for you, anyone
speaking English on a good level will do - I asked my brother. Go for siblings
instead of parents, because brothers and sisters will give you merciless
critique - something parents can’t always do since they love you too much. My
brother made a funny chart, where he’d asses my level of nervousness while
speaking, if I met the time limit, my pronunciation and my use of words and
grammar. Then he’d give me a TOEFL mark. He was a lot more strict before I made
him listen to some sample answers from the ETS, since then he’d only give me
4’s and sometimes 3’s. XD
After you
do the pretest, you’ll get a fairly good understanding not only of how hard you
gotta study for the actual test, but also of what kinds of questions are asked.
It follows a pretty simple pattern - you’ll always get a question about the
overall meaning of the information given, about synonyms, about implications,
about summaries etc.
You might
be surprised about the pretest results. My first guess was that I’d do really
well on the reading, OK on the listening, really well on the speaking (unless
the microphone crashes or someone coughs so much next to me that the evaluator
won’t hear a thing), and pretty bad on writing. But actually, my estimated
results were pretty different:
Reading: 27/30
Writing: 28/30
It turned out that my speaking was the worst! I
didn’t have anyone to bother with it at that time, but that was my estimate -
if you wonder, I gave myself a “3”
for 3 of the topics and a “2”
for the other 3. My main issue was that the time to prepare for the speaking
was too short (less than half a minute) and the time for speaking itself was
either too short or too long, depending on the topic and provided background
information (one minute or less). It turns out that it’s super important to
really prepare several points to talk about during the prep time and take notes
during the reading/listening, because you’ll be required to interpret fairly
specialized scientific texts and lectures. Definitely don’t go into complicated
sentences unless you’re sure you’ll be able to finish them smoothly, time is
little and it’s precious.
In some
books, you might have a chapter meant to improve your academic skills. I
suggest you read it and maaaaybeee try the exercises if you have time, but
don’t take it too seriously. It’s an utter nonsense to change your note taking
strategy because someone suggests another way to do it. Of course, unless you
find out the new method works for you better.
A very
useful chapter is the one talking about the 4 sections of TOEFL with exercises
and strategies. You can find some online, too. Judging by my textbooks and the
real TOEFL I went through, the reading and listening questions in the books are
pretty similar in topic range. The exercises online were a bit easier than the
books. On the other hand, the speaking and writing questions are quite
different. I mean, they basically keep the structure, but I suggest you look at
the official ETS channel and also on notefull.com. If what they say there
differs from your prep materials, trust youtube and notefull. They’re right.
obviously, the most important part are the final practice tests. So, I
recommend getting a book that has as many of them as possible. I had the three
ones you can see in the picture below and I guess they’re pretty much equal, I
didn’t really think there were major differences between them.
Barron’s Pass Key To The TOEFL iBT
3 tests in the
Express’s TOEFL iBT - The English Scores You Need!
2 tests in the book + 1
test online
The Princeton
Review - Cracking The TOEFL iBT
1 test, but many drills and the visuals are
the most similar to the real TOEFL
Also, the
test you’re supposed to get for free with your registration is not an actual
full-length test! It’s just something like a trial version. It’s only useful
for getting familiar with the test screen and raising your self-esteem after
hearing the hideous sample responses still receiving 3 or 4 points.
Online resources
These are the ones I found useful and recommend you to check
- don’t waste your time on the other vids, I found most of the
tips pretty silly)
- don’t waste your time on the vids unless
you wanna take a look at the cute Korean guy or laugh at the jokes
- they don’t resonate with my style tough, so I didn’t use them, but I
think these can be super useful for a lot of people
If you’re curious, I raised my average score to 110
- 115 during the final practice tests.
Test-day debrief
test-takers from the Czech Republic
- Prague, I
recommend the Wall Street Institute. Well, I mean, I only took the test once,
so I haven’t been to the other ones, but I was absolutely happy with Wall
Street Institute. The location is very convenient - near subway lines A and B
and all the major tram lines. Near the train and long-distance bus station as well.
It is pretty safe - there are two receptions, so no one’s gonna steal your
stuff while you sweat writing the test. If you request so, they’ll put your
stuff in a cabinet and keep an eye on it for you. The staff is really friendly
and chats with you (of course not about the content of the test), they give you
pencils and papers and help with any inconvenience you might encounter. There
are toilets like 30 m
from the computers, so you can go five times during your break if you need to.
Now, the most important thing - I checked one of the other center’s pictures
and they had all the PCs in one line with no space between the computers (and
test takers). At the Wall Street Institute, there are small dividers between
the seats, so you’re not disturbed by your neighbors too much and you have a
lot of space around you. Also, you sit with your back towards the room and you
look out the window, which is pretty nice, unless it’s really sunny and you
have trouble seeing the screen. The headphones work really well, when I put the
volume to the max, I couldn’t hear almost any outside noise. In general, the
center is pretty calm. There’s some talking both by your co-sufferers and the
regular students in different rooms, but it’s really just a background noise
you should be used to from school. And the center is pretty - modern, colorful,
optimistic. Exactly what you need on the test day. Taking the test on Nov 3rd,
we even got some Halloween deco! Really, 5 stars! I certainly can’t complain
about my results being jeopardized by the facility.
As for
test-site unrelated stuff: Bring a lip balm and a bottle of water to drink
while waiting for registration. Dress in layers, I felt pretty hot by the end
of the test and was happy I wore a thin tee, cardigan and a scarf and therefore
could easily drop the scarf when I was too warm. Do arrive early, if everyone
arrives early, you might start earlier! Just as promised in the books and
online, you either get a long reading section (5 passages) or a long listening
section (6 lectures, 3 conversations). I think that a long listening is better,
because it’s not as boring as the readings, but you can’t choose anyway, so you
just have to deal with what you get.
Many people
say you should skip the text and go directly to the questions and read the text
part by part while answering them. I totally disagree. I’m a fast reader and I
think that by not reading the passage properly, you might not be able to answer
the Qs dealing with the overall message. I could read the passage twice and
answer all the questions within 10 - 15 minutes out of 20 minutes you get per
passage, so I can’t see how not reading the passage would help answer in time.
What works for me is reading the title and the first and last sentence of each
paragraph (takes like 30 seconds) and then reading it properly (takes 2
minutes). This way, I’m sure I understand it perfectly. And I got a full score
in this section. In any case, the actual test is easier than the prep books.
Make the
notes the same way you’re used to. In general, the questions during the
listening part seem to be a lot easier than those from the reading. However,
for every 2 + 1 (2 lectures and 1 conversation), you only get 10 minutes for
answering the questions. That means roughly 30 second per question. So, if
you’re pretty sure about an answer, answer straight away, don’t muse on if
there isn’t a trap - there most likely is no trap. You might need more than 30
sec for some difficult Q that might pop up later, so try to save time! Again,
the actual test is pretty easy, compared to some practice questions.
Drink some
water (tap water form the washbasin if you must) before the speaking section
begins, you really shouldn’t have a dry throat. Some people advise to stay in
the room and listen to the answers of people who already speak during your
break. Frankly, I happened to hear part of my co-test-taker’s first reply and I
had no idea what the question was gonna be like. So, I’d say - don’t scheme,
progress at a pace that is comfortable and don’t worry about it. If you’re a
good speaker and you prepared for the crazy conditions of the TOEFL speaking
section, you don’t need to know the questions in advance. I’m pretty good at
concentrating in noisy environments, so I had no trouble speaking while hearing
other people talk as well. If you’re used to school/lab/workplace background
noise, you don’t have to bite your fingernails before the section.
Do check for typos and too many repeating words. Divide the text into paragraphs (I prefer to leave an empty line between paragraphs, it looks better). Leave your headphones on to minimize the noise from other people’s keyboards. I asked several teachers and they recommended not to use don’t, can’t, won’t etc - write does not, cannot, will not, since it’s more academic (or so I was told). I wrote a bit over 400 words for the integrated question and a bit over 500 words for the independent task. So clearly, going over the suggested range of the integrated question’s word count doesn’t hurt. The independent task should be over 300 words, so you can’t go overboard, as no max number of words is mentioned. On notefull, they say you actually need to get to around 500 words to get a full score, since shorter answers aren’t developed enough. I agree - I didn’t write nonsense to get to 500 words, it’s what I reached naturally by explaining my point of view clearly, with 3 supporting arguments.
I got my
scores about a week after the test day - I mean, online only, still waiting for
the certificate.
Reading: 30/30
27/30 :(
Again, I’m very disappointed
by the feedback (and my low speaking section score). I mean, I expected
personal feedback - I’d love to know what they didn’t like about my responses.
Instead, I got a standardized reply “your ability to read is high blah blah
blah”. Totally useless.
As for my
score, I’m slightly disappointed (since I tend to be satisfied only with
scoring 100% or higher XD), but I have nothing to complain about, since I don’t
think there’s any university requiring more points than I got. Doesn’t mean I
won’t get eliminated because of other things though, so wish me luck, please.
Good luck kids. XD
Yours truly
oh, i have been through all these tooo. I took TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC and GMAT as well. I ended up study in France and all material was in French ^_^
ReplyDeleteGood job Vita!
Haha, that's pretty ironic! But wow, I'd die if I had to take so many tests.
DeleteGood luck!!!
Too bad I didn't know about this page before I took the exam :(
ReplyDeleteNice post about TOEFL books it is very useful for students
ReplyDeleteTOEFL is designed to assess the candidate's capability is to understand and use English.Test taker should have complete TOEFL Information before actual Exam.
ReplyDeleteGood information about TOEFL. its need is still required for higher education. TOEFL Study Guide
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing this, it was useful for me in preparing for higher studies in USA.
ReplyDeleteStudy in USA after 12th
Study pharmacy in usa
TOEFL certificate just click here and got it. toefl certificate without exam