Item purchased: The Oriental Perfect Cover BB Cream (10 g), Skin79
I don’t know how about you, but I always worry a bit whether eBay sellers sell authentic products or imitations. Especially if it’s cosmetic - with fake ones, you might actually use something that could cause you skin problems or other issues. And after going to hell and back to the post office to get my package, I’ll describe my experience with rubyruby76.
I participated in an auction for The Oriental Perfect Cover BB Cream (10 g) and won it for 5 USD.
The seller is located in South Korea, which was the first thing that made me trust the authenticity of his items, I always tend to be more skeptical about Korean brands being shipped from Thailand. Then he actually had a disclaimer on the auction page, stating all of his items are genuine (I know, I know, I trust people too much). The information about the BB cream was mainly in Korean, but so was almost everything on the actual package too. Then he had general information on BB creams and also his selling conditions, including detailed information on shipping, which is very nice.
Shipping was economy and free.
The item arrived on Jan 9th, I won the auction on Dec 27th, it was marked as shipped on 29th - that’s pretty fast, considering it was around New Year.
Bless the seller’s sturdy packaging. Czech post is awful. I repeat: AWFUL. I don’t think they can sue me for slander, because I have as many witnesses as there are Czech citizens. Well, at least the post office is great for socializing, whenever you make a scene, you can bet you’ll make new friends, because people are going to be like “That happened to me too! It’s horrible, isn’t it? And the services are so expensive even though they suck!”. Anyway, sorry, I was about to say that the cream was packed in its original box, then in several layers of bubble-wrap and then in a relatively big box (compared to the size of the cream) and the box was pretty sturdy - I tried to slightly squeeze it and it didn’t give in. And it survived Czech post - it could probably survive everything then.
I’m not gonna review the product as a BB cream, only the authenticity. I believe it’s authentic. Both the box and the tube are very well made, the tube’s cover is actually metal, not plastic. There was a seal over the line between the tube and the cover. Finally, I checked the cream and it fits the descriptions other people posted. It comes out really dark tan, but blends out just as other girls said. The smell is regular make-up smell, but very faint, just like all the other Skin79 BB creams I have. I tested it on my arm and had no reaction to it.
Shipping: 5/5
Packaging: 5/5
Authentic? Yep
Communication: None - I paid, he shipped - no reason to talk, lol
Overall: 5/5
Yours Truly
Zakoupený produkt: The Oriental Perfect Cover BB Cream (10 g), Skin79
Nevím jak vy, ale já se vždycky při nákupech trochu bojím, jestli prodejci skutečně nabízejí pravé produkty, nebo imitace. Zvlášť, když je to kosmetika - při používání nějakých pochybných napodobenin by se mohly vyskytnout například kožní problémy. A poté, co jsem došla tam a zase zpět (tedy na poštu a domů), abych získala svůj objednaný balíček, vám tedy přináším recenzi.
Zúčastnila jsem se aukce a vyhrála The Oriental Perfect Cover BB Cream (10 g) za 5 USD.
Prodejce je z Jižní Koreje, což byla první věc, která mi dodala v důvěru v autentičnost jeho kosmetiky. Vždy jsem poněkud skeptičtější ohledně korejských produktů posílaných z Thajska. Pak měl prodejce také na stránce aukce prohlášení, že jeho zboží je originál (já vím, jsme moc důvěřivá…). Informace o BB creamu byla především v Korejštině, ale stejně tak je tomu i na jeho obalu. Potom také uvedl obecné informace o BB creamech a svoje podmínky ohledně platby a podrobné informace ohledně poštovného, což bylo příjemné.
Poštovné a doručení:
Balíček byl poslán „ekonomicky“ a poštovné bylo zdarma.
BB cream dorazil 9. ledna - objednávala jsme ho 27. prosince a informace, že byl odeslán, mi přišla 29. To je velmi Rychlé, zvlášť na to, že se jednalo o období kolem svátků.
Díky bohu, že to prodejce zabalil tak pečlivě. O poštovních službách tady nikomu nemusím vykládat, každý, kdo je někdy nucen na poště něco vyřizovat, má již ohromnou zásobu hororových historek.Krém byl tedy zabalen ve své původní krabičce, potom v několik vrstvách bublinkové fólie a nakonec v relativně velké krabičce (v poměru k velikosti krému). Ta byla značně pevná - pokusila jsem se ji stlačit a šlo to jen ztuha. A přežilo to českou poštu - to už to evidentně přežije všechno.
Nebudu psát recenzi BB creamu jako takového, jenom se zmíním o pravděpodobnosti, že je pravý. Myslím, že je to skutečně BB cream od Skin79. I krabička i tuba jsou kvalitní, víčko je z kovu, ne z plastu. Přes spoj mezi víčkem a tubou byla také přelepena nálepka. A pochopitelně jsem také porovnala vzhled krému s tím, co jsem o něm četla v recenzích, a vypadá úplně stejně, jak ho většina lidí popisuje. Zpočátku vypadá hodně tmavě (jako takové ty oranžové make-upy, co z každého udělají přesolárkovanou příšerku), ale rozetře se do velmi přirozeného odstínu. Vůně je velmi slabá a taková typicky make-upová, shodná s mými ostatními BB creamy od Skin79. Nanesla jsem na půl dne krém na hřbet ruky a neměla jsem žádnou negativní reakci.
Doprava: 5/5
Balení: 5/5
Autentické? Ano
Komunikace s prodejcem: žádná - já zaplatila, on to poslal -> žádný důvod spolu mluvit
Celkem: 5/5
S láskou
I replied back to your comment. :)
ReplyDeleteRubyruby76 sells counterfeit. Or maybe I was just unlucky. She sold me a fake Nature Republic aloe vera gel. I don't know why so many people are recommending her because when I left a feedback about the counterfeit product, she wrote me an email asking me to retract my feedback and offering to give me a full refund if I agreed. That means she KNEW that she was sending me a fake product, though I have no idea why. Perhaps it's because my shipping address is based in Germany and there are no Nature Republic stores here? Unfortunately for her, I am Singaporean and right before I came back to Germany for winter semester, I actually bought a tub of the aloe vera gel from the NR store in Singapore. I paid 9euros including free shipping, so this item is by no means "cheap". I wasn't looking for a cheap deal when I purchased from her ebay store. I simply wanted to replenish my diminishing tub. I'm writing this email because I hope to raise cyber awareness about Rubyruby76. I thought she was a good choice because I did some research and almost all the bloggers recommend her or her store )RoseRoseShop). This must mean she sends counterfeits selectively. Probably only to countries without the brick-and-mortar stores.
ReplyDeleteRubyruby76 sells counterfeit. Or maybe I was just unlucky. She sold me a fake Nature Republic aloe vera gel. I don't know why so many people are recommending her because when I left a feedback about the counterfeit product, she wrote me an email asking me to retract my feedback and offering to give me a full refund if I agreed. That means she KNEW that she was sending me a fake product, though I have no idea why. Perhaps it's because my shipping address is based in Germany and there are no Nature Republic stores here? Unfortunately for her, I am Singaporean and right before I came back to Germany for winter semester, I actually bought a tub of the aloe vera gel from the NR store in Singapore. I paid 9euros including free shipping, so this item is by no means "cheap". I wasn't looking for a cheap deal when I purchased from her ebay store. I simply wanted to replenish my diminishing tub. I'm writing this email because I hope to raise cyber awareness about Rubyruby76. I thought she was a good choice because I did some research and almost all the bloggers recommend her or her store )RoseRoseShop). This must mean she sends counterfeits selectively. Probably only to countries without the brick-and-mortar stores.
ReplyDeleteHello, guys. I'm from Rubyruby76
ReplyDeleteYou guys have 2 mistakes :(
First one is that, the parcel in the picture is not ours! They are another 'rubyrubyshop' who lies continuously.
We do not send the paper, in the picture, we send a page like colorful
Second is that, we never ever sell fake products. I can guarantee 100% because I'm the one who pick items up from the main office :(
In Korean market field, there are no fake items indeed, or we should buy fake from China. But in that case, we should pay for huge shipping fee..
Why do we do those stupid things?
The fake rubyrubyshop is located in Canada ( you guys can see it in seller's information) so she could sell fake ones, but, we never.
Please contact us if you have any feedback, to ''
Thank you